We often experience a house in cluttered shape even after a massive cleaning. Have you ever thought about why it happens so often? It’s a clear wastage of time, labour, and money. It’s all due to the wrong cleaning approach. There happens some unnoticed and common mistakes that lead to this mess. These mistakes are so minor to be considered as mistakes. But, the end result is a shabby house.
Addressing these common house cleaning mistakes during the healthy home cleaning process in an effective manner will result in a brighter and decluttered house.
Common Cleaning Mistakes and Dodging Ideas:
If the mistakes are common and simple, dodging them is even more simpler. Dive into these common mistakes we do in one-time cleaning services or on-going cleaning services. Let’s learn some workable ideas to avoid these.
Reverse Order Cleaning:
It’s common to start the House cleaning process from the floor. But what happens at the end? A floor full of dirt and debris. When you clean the above floor surfaces, the dirt and crumbs fall onto the floor needing a repeat cleaning. These common house cleaning mistakes will cost you your time and labour.
Let’s dodge it: Make it a practice to start the cleaning with a top to bottom approach. Start with the ceilings, fans, wardrobes, windows, and gradually move down to the floor. Every part of dirt and debris will be on the floor in the end. Now, it’s the time to clean and mop the floor for a perfect cleaning.
Using a Single Cloth Everywhere:
You might experience stains and marks erupted on different surfaces after you finish the cleaning process. A worst condition is the accumulation of bacteria and germs in different portions of your house causing health hazards.
Ever imagined the reason behind it? Single cloth or sponge being used to clean all the surfaces. When a single cloth is used, it carries germs from one surface to another and sometimes the oily stains from the kitchen to your furniture.
Let’s dodge it: It is very much easy to counter this issue. Use a distinct cloth or sponge for each part of your house. To make it further easy, you can even colour code your clothes.
Excessive Cleaners usage:
To attain a perfect cleaning result, it’s normal to use an excessive amount of the cleaner onto the surfaces. What’s the mistake there? These cleaners may leave a sticky residue behind to attract more and more dust. An adverse result.. In the worst cases, they may damage the air quality.
Let’s dodge it: It’s always recommended to apply only a required amount of cleaner on the surfaces. You can apply it twice, if needed after first cleaning. It will not only save your money but the surface too.
Neglecting common Touch Areas:
There are certain objects which experience maximum human hand touch. These include switches, door knobs, cell phone chargers, drawer handles, and remote controls etc. These items are shared by all members of the family and usually neglected during the daily cleaning. It’s a serious threat to spread the illness all around your home.
Let’s dodge it: Disinfecting such items regularly is very crucial. To protect yourself and your family, these items and areas must be disinfected regularly with disinfecting wipes or spray.
Ignorance about the Cleaners:
Some cleaners use very harsh chemicals and when applied to delicate surfaces, damage them severely. If you don’t know about the properties of a cleaner, it may harm your surfaces. Vinegar is an excellent natural cleaner, but damages the natural stone surface and it happens so often.
Let’s dodge it: Try to have knowledge about your cleaner. You must be aware of the properties of your cleaner before applying it to any surface. Avoid using hard cleaners on delicate surfaces.
Fast Disinfectant Application:
“My disinfectant doesn’t work efficiently” is a common complaint. When you hurry through the cleaning process, your disinfectant doesn’t get the time to sit in. It is applied and hurriedly wiped leaving the germs unharmed. It’s all useless.
Let’s dodge it: Your disinfectant needs a proper time to work. Apply or spray the disinfectant on the surface and then leave it for some time to settle. Wipe it after a sufficient time delay. It will definitely work.
Cleaning in a Closed Environment:
It is common to experience headaches when some hard cleaning products are used. Some cleaners even release fumes when applied to a surface. In closed environments, these fumes stay in the air and pave the way to your lungs causing headaches, irritations, and sneezes.
Let’s dodge it: Ventilation is very much necessary during such a cleaning process. Before applying these hard cleaners, you have to ensure that the doors and windows are opened for fresh air.
Use of Dirty water:
Clean water is the most important component of efficient cleaning. Using the same bucket of water during the whole cleaning process, contaminates this water with germs. It spreads the germs everywhere in your house causing some serious health hazards.
Let’s dodge it: Take only the required amount of water to clean a specific area. After washing the mops, discard it and fetch some more for the next part of your house. Change your water frequently to avoid germ contamination.
Dirty Cleaning Tools:
Cleanliness of the cleaning tools is crucialDirty mops, sponges, cloths, and vacuum filters are a major reason to spread dirt and germs instead of cleaning. An unwashed mop or sponge will deteriorate your surfaces even further.
Let’s dodge it: To avoid this mess, you have to keep your tools in good shape. Replace your sponges regularly. Wash, rinse and dry your mop after use. Maintain your vacuum cleaner properly and empty the filters after sometime. This practice will make your cleaning effective than before
Your small mistakes may lead to a cluttered and shabby looking house even after a hectic cleaning. Also while hiring cleaning services company just pay attention to make small changes in your cleaning process for a fresh and healthier house. This article points out some common mistakes and the workable solutions to avoid them. Starting in the correct order with clean tools and knowing handsomely about your cleaners will make your job easier and more effective. Give your cleaner a sufficient time to act and then experience the result with a shinier and brighter house.
On this weekend cleaning, try these few ideas to avoid these common mistakes and experience an enlightened and freshly decluttered house.